About Me 

Hey, I'm Zach, but you should know that by now. Intersectional thought, art, creativity, and thoughtfulness have nurtured me into who I am. Pastimes that get me through the day are singing, learning, creative projects, and hiking. I recently graduated from Elon University with BAs in Strategic Communications and Religious Studies.

I believe in seeing the bigger picture. The only way to do this is to understand, embrace, and analyze perspective. ​I recently traveled around the world from Germany to San Diego (the long way) on a program called Semester at Sea. Semester at Sea aided in the development of this thought, but Religious Studies created the foundation. Studying culture and religion offers bridges into insider thoughts, understandings, and beliefs. I struggled to find a path after establishing my interpretation of the world. What should I do with this information? What does it all mean? I have no clue what it all means, and if you do, I'll bow before you. What I do know is that there are ways to effectively and strategically use information. The study of Strategic Communications crept up on me and presented itself as a way to further my education. Where my journey will lead me is unclear, but I know that my experiences and skills will enable me to be successful in my endeavors.

If you have any questions, comments, thoughts, jokes, or good music, please do not hesitate to reach out through my contact portal.


If you would like to hear my take on a classic Harry Styles song, please have a listen to my final solo with my college a cappella group.